Bailey & Austin, 2006


This longitudinal study investigates whether developmental changes following 360-degree feedback are predicted by the favorability of ratings received, and moderated by focal individuals’ self-efficacy and perceived importance of feedback. Five developmental criteria are investigated longitudinally: (i) self-assessments, (ii) line managers’ ratings, (iii) amount of developmental activity, (iv) global self-efficacy and (iv) self-efficacy for development. Feedback ratings from certain rater groups predicted changes in ratings, but not changes in self-efficacy or amount of developmental activity. Self-efficacy significantly moderated the feedback–performance association for certain rater groups, but feedback importance did not. Contrary to expectations, the focal individual’s initial self-assessment predicted changes in self-efficacy, over the favorability of ratings received. The implications of these findings for organizations using 360 degree feedback for developmental purposes are discussed. Reading this article and answering a 10-question quiz, participants will earn 1 Learning CEU.

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    Bailey & Austin, 2006

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CEU Content Creator

Jacqueline Shackil

Introducing Jacqueline, the driving force behind HiJack Behaviors. With a background in Applied Behavioral Analysis and a graduate certification in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she brings a unique blend of expertise to the table. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Jacqueline is deeply committed to the growth and development of practitioners in the behavioral health field. At HiJack Behaviors, she focuses on creating impactful continuing education courses, specializing in ethics, improvement, and professional growth. Her mission is to not only enhance the practice of behavioral health but also to empower individuals to reach their highest potential.

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