Bradley & Johnson (2021)


Creativity and innovation have brought about phenomenal changes throughout human history. Art, science, medicine, industry, and technology have all grown through creative and innovative behavior. A complete science of human behavior needs to account for “creativity,” especially given its importance in society. Prior behavioral research has been able to account for creative behavior in animals by training the component skills of a complex creative solution and arranging environmental conditions which result in the recombination of component skills to produce a creative solution. The present study partially replicates creativity research conducted in a laboratory setting with animals by conducting a similarly arranged laboratory study with humans. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether a creative solution to a difficult problem could be produced by teaching participants the necessary component skills and arranging the environment in such a way as to cause the component skills to recombine in order to solve the problem. The present study suggests that such an approach may be viable and provides an experimental task that can be used in future human creativity research. Reading this article and answering 10 questions, participants receive 1 Learning CEU.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Creating Creativity: A Behavior Analytic Approach

    • Bradley & Johnson (2021)

  • 2


    • Quiz

  • 3


    • Evaluation


CEU Content Creator

Jacqueline Shackil

Introducing Jacqueline, the driving force behind HiJack Behaviors. With a background in Applied Behavioral Analysis and a graduate certification in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she brings a unique blend of expertise to the table. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Jacqueline is deeply committed to the growth and development of practitioners in the behavioral health field. At HiJack Behaviors, she focuses on creating impactful continuing education courses, specializing in ethics, improvement, and professional growth. Her mission is to not only enhance the practice of behavioral health but also to empower individuals to reach their highest potential.