Keyton et al., 2013


This two-part study with working adults examines which communication behaviors occur at work and how these communication behaviors are evaluated. Through an analysis of organizational communication publications (articles, organizational case studies, textbooks), the authors identified 343 communication behaviors; sorting analysis reduced this list to 163 verbal communication behaviors used in the workplace. In Study 1, using an online survey, 126 working adults identified which of these communication behaviors had been heard or observed the previous day in the workplace. Forty-four communication behaviors were identified by 50% or more of the participants, indicating their frequent use in the workplace. In Study 2, 331 working adults evaluated their effectiveness on the 44 verbal communication behaviors. Factor analysis reduced that list to 36 verbal workplace communication behaviors composed of four factors: information sharing, relational maintenance, expressing negative emotion, and organizing communication behaviors. The Workplace Communication Behavior Inventory is presented. Reading this article and and completing the quiz to 100%, participants will gain one learning CEU.

Let's talk verbal workplace communication behaviors!

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  • 1

    Keyton et al., 2013

    • Article

  • 2


    • Keyton et al., 2013 Quiz

  • 3


    • Evaluation


CEU Content Creator

Jacqueline Shackil

Introducing Jacqueline, the driving force behind HiJack Behaviors. With a background in Applied Behavioral Analysis and a graduate certification in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, she brings a unique blend of expertise to the table. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), Jacqueline is deeply committed to the growth and development of practitioners in the behavioral health field. At HiJack Behaviors, she focuses on creating impactful continuing education courses, specializing in ethics, improvement, and professional growth. Her mission is to not only enhance the practice of behavioral health but also to empower individuals to reach their highest potential.